When should I register my trademark?
Timing is everything, and this is especially true when it comes to trademark registration. Choosing to trademark your brand at the right time is much more important than you would think.
Brand protection is an ongoing process, helping you maintain control over your brand's online presence as it grows and expands to new platforms. However, when it comes to some specific steps, such as removing fake products or accounts trying to take advantage of your brand, it is not always clear how long it will take each platform to take action against other businesses violating your rights. At Trama, we aim to provide you with clear answers, so you always know what to expect.
Below you can find frequently asked questions related to the length of brand protection process and answers based on our experience of protecting thousands of brands across dozens of online platforms.
Our team of experienced trademark attorneys is here to help you! Simply send us an email outlining your request and we'll be happy to assist you.