Selecting trademark classes - Salt & seasonings

Detailed overview of the recommended Nice classes of goods and services for your business in the field of Salt & seasonings

Choosing relevant trademark classes for your brand

Please select the industry and specific sector which best describe your business




Salt & seasonings

Recommended classes for Salt & seasonings

How much would it cost to register a trademark for Salt & seasonings?

The estimated cost for a trademark registered in all classes recommended above.

  • Flag of the United States of America

    United States


  • Flag of Canada



  • Flag of the United Kingdom

    United Kingdom


  • Flag of the European Union

    European Union


What are trademark classes of goods & services?

  • List of goods and services

    45 Classes of goods & services

    All goods & services are categorised into 45 Nice classes

  • Selection

    Choosing the right classes

    The selection of classes defines the scope of trademark protection

  • Application success

    Maximising application success

    Tailor-made selection of relevant classes for all our clients

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