Selecting trademark classes - Startup
Detailed overview of the recommended Nice classes of goods and services for your business in the field of Startup
Choosing relevant trademark classes for your brand
Please select the industry and specific sector which best describe your business
Select your sector...
What are trademark classes of goods & services?
45 Classes of goods & services
All goods & services are categorised into 45 Nice classes
Choosing the right classes
The selection of classes defines the scope of trademark protection
Maximising application success
Tailor-made selection of relevant classes for all our clients
Most popular sectors
IT - Software
IT - Mobile applications
IT - Software as a platform
IT - Computer hardware
Startup - Online marketplace
Startup - Software as a service
Fashion - Jewellery
Fashion - Clothing apparel
Professional services - Architecture
Professional services - Real estate
Professional services - Legal services
Hospitality - Restaurant
Hospitality - Cafe
Hospitality - Bar
Health & beauty - Cosmetics
Health & beauty - Nutritional supplements
Retail and wholesale - Clothing store
Retail and wholesale - Sports equipment
Retail and wholesale - Specialty food store