Unilever Plc v. Dale Mill Essential Oils Limited

Unilever Plc

Case details

Plaintiff: Unilever Plc

Case no.: O/118/07

Jurisdiction: United Kingdom

Industry: Retail

Decision date: 27 Apr, 2007


Evidence of use of the mark in suit was filed by the proprietor. No use was shown of the mark TEASERS COSMETICS and use of TEASERS was shown in cursive script and also with an underlining device. The Hearing Officer accepted that the use shown was use of the mark as registered, for the purpose of defending the registration. Use of the mark in suit was not extensive and did not encompass many of the goods included in the specification. In the event the Hearing Officer restricted the specification to “nail preparations, bath or bathing preparations” and cancelled the registration in respect of the remaining goods. Application thus partially successful.

Comparison of Trademarks