From Kimono, through #KimOhNo, to Skims: A branding nightmare for Kim Kardashian
#KimOhNo became a symbol of the backlash to Kim Kardashian’s attempt to register a trademark for her new line of shape wear, Kimono.
Controlled Substances Act (CSA) Refusal in a trademark office action means the USPTO is dismissing the registration due to the product containing substances whose use in commerce is not lawful in the whole of US commerce, such as Cannabis or CBD.
It is theoretically possible to overcome this refusal if the applicant can prove the goods contain less than a lawful amount of THC (and therefore qualify as "hemp" products). Alternatively, an applicant can seek trademark protection on a state level in states where the corresponding substances are legal.
If I register a trademark in the US, can I still sell my products in the UK with the US trademark?
Does a logo trademark protect all of its individual elements?
What are the 4 main types of intellectual property protection?
Is there any difference between lowercase/uppercase in trademark name registration?
What requirements must a mark meet to be eligible for registration?
I want to register a JP trademark in one class; how much would that cost?
Our team of experienced trademark attorneys is here to help you! Simply send us an email outlining your request and we'll be happy to assist you.